NARUTO! Very Important If Your A Fan! : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

naruto owns kiba

neji owns hinata

gaara owns rock lee

sound ninja owns fatass

ruin it for you? great! owned. kthx. =D

-- Anonymous, August 20, 2003


Bullshit. Wasn't me.

I'm an asshole, but not this bad.

Probably that scar fool trying to be cool.

-- Anonymous, August 20, 2003

sigh* this is getting so old... but meh i already read the manga... so who gives a damn

-- Anonymous, August 21, 2003

let me spoil it further. naruto owns sasuke garra, and kabuto

-- Anonymous, August 21, 2003

Dude, you moron thats not even true... if your going to spoil somthing do it right.... tweez

-- Anonymous, August 21, 2003

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