any recourse for misrepresentation? : LUSENET : Coldwell Banker : One Thread

Is there any recourse for misrepresentation to those of us who cannot afford a lawyer? C.B.and Our realtor cheated us out of over $6,500 plus the losses in personal property and lost wages we incurred. We shouldered alot of the cost of our realtors immature and deceitful business practices in order to avoid being sued by the buyers-little did we know that if we had allowed the "#$!!!# to hit the fan" we would of had clear legal recourse and we would not be in dire financial trouble now. There must be a way for small people with small claims to be heard and compensated or these large companies will continue to cheat us out of our bread and butter while they get fat!

-- Susan Grotte (, August 20, 2003


do something

urdu website

-- Your Full Name (Your Email, September 22, 2003.

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