BitTorrents HELP : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

Does anybody know why by BitTorrents downloads keeps freezeing?

-- Anonymous, August 19, 2003


BT uses about 6k to 7k of memory (RAM) for each download, plus since it's using your browser assuming it's IE6, it puts a strain on your system resources. It also strains your processor - so you may be pushing your PC to the limit. Try limiting the number of downloads or get more memory.

-- Anonymous, August 19, 2003

if it only freezes for old torrents, then it may be due to inability to connect to other peers. if it happens all the time, then u have to check to see what's the problem. eg, whether your comp has firewall? do u use router? it may help using the experiment client instead cos sometimes the problem may be due to too many connections (peers). experimental client allows u to limit your upload rate which will be useful if you have assymmetrical connection.

-- Anonymous, August 19, 2003

if you still dunno how to solve the problem. go to the forum at animesuki. they hav a downloading help section and there'a a thread posted about frequently asked qns where they list down the common problems faced by BT users and the solutions for each.

-- Anonymous, August 19, 2003

bittorrent is not a direct p2p client so you can have idle connection on both streams. A torrent is not working only when you get the error of connection timed out, or problem connecting to tracker. Wait it out when the d/l reaches 0kb/s, it usually goes faster later on.

-- Anonymous, August 21, 2003

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