Who here actually think that sesshomarutokujin and that bitch flames are actually funny? not me!!!greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
They are both asholes, I'm sure people will stick up for that loser sessho but not flames! she's a macbre asswipe who everyone hates. I hate them both!!!!!!!! They are both loosers!!!!!!!!!!!
-- Anonymous, August 18, 2003
Macbre? I'm suprised your limited vocabulary would hold such a word. And it's "losers".
-- Anonymous, August 18, 2003
isn't it macabre?
-- Anonymous, August 18, 2003
is this related to anime?!
-- Anonymous, August 18, 2003
-- Anonymous, August 18, 2003
Same here I hate sesshomarutokijin.He's a fucking bitch.All he can say is *kill yourself*.That's what he always says.And i don't really care for the flames guy.
-- Anonymous, August 18, 2003
Fuck off Hater! And Yaright, EAT SHIT AND DIE ALREADY!!!! Frippin' bastards.
-- Anonymous, August 18, 2003
flames "girl". sesshoumarutokijin isn't a bitch, he just repeats things to slow people *you*
-- Anonymous, August 18, 2003
Lmao, how pathetic. Is this all you can do? I figure that all you morons are the same. I own you two in arguments, and the best you can do is post garbage like this. I DARE you to provoke me again.
-- Anonymous, August 18, 2003
leave them alone!! your just bringing attention to your self and you look like a ass. Which is maybe Y your posting about them. You could just want to get into their little fame sence their so widely known. the ? isen't are they assholes but are you one. next time think before you ack will Y.
-- Anonymous, August 18, 2003
I think they're both very funny, Sesshomarutokujin is really clever with ways to make people feel stupid..... and so is Flames but They don't just 'attack' people they only flame people *cough* you.....
-- Anonymous, August 19, 2003
like* you..............*cough*
-- Anonymous, August 19, 2003
It's all in the eye of the beholder, in other words......I don't care!
-- Anonymous, August 19, 2003