HITOKIRI'S SCAR WANTS TO BE SesshoumaruToukijin's LACKY! SPAM THAT BITCH HITOKIRI!greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
hitokiri's scar is gay. he wants to be SesshoumaruToukijin's lacky. lets all make fun of that fag.
-- Anonymous, August 14, 2003
what the hell are you talking about? now i have someone who hates me. my god will you just get the hell out of here and find a life outside your mom's basement?
-- Anonymous, August 14, 2003
he has a scar, so he can't be gay...
-- Anonymous, August 14, 2003
thank you nobody.
-- Anonymous, August 14, 2003
Do us a favor and kill yourself.
-- Anonymous, August 14, 2003
i dont get why people get so hostile on this board.. i mean.. its an anime post board for christ sakes.. lets just sit and rip on everyone... its one thing to joke around... besides... sesshomaru is awsome.. so you over there... pipe down
-- Anonymous, August 14, 2003
I don`t like people accusing others of being gay I mean like do you really know the person that well to judge?? if so then what about you is accusing others A nice game for you??? Meanie XP
-- Anonymous, August 15, 2003
Hitokori is not a lacky. Your the one who is "gay". Why don't you go highten your vocabulary instead of being an ass.
-- Anonymous, August 15, 2003
Sorry I spelled his name wrong, I apologize I meant "Hitokiri ~stupid flamers message~
-- Anonymous, August 15, 2003
Scars are cool *battousai is the best* I prepose you withstain from posting*or speaking* ever again.
-- Anonymous, August 15, 2003
agreed...we don't need another case like all the others we've had*tries to remember the names of evryone who was such a case* *can't*
-- Anonymous, August 15, 2003
*thinks of pleanty* dot dude, mathews, ya right, spammer.
-- Anonymous, August 15, 2003
Thank you everyone. That dumbass better not come back here. We don't need more crap then we already have.
-- Anonymous, August 15, 2003
hes stupid. he is shessmharu's bitch! hes gay hes a stupid head! make fun of him with me!!!!!!!! I HATE YOU HITOKIRI!!!!!!!
-- Anonymous, August 15, 2003
Who the hell are you???????? You need some serious spelling lessons. How would you even know if I'm gay? Wait. Is this who i think it is??? Is this Toshio???
-- Anonymous, August 15, 2003
-- Anonymous, August 15, 2003
You are an idiot. I'm not going anywhere. I will stay in Japan as long as i want. I'm going to beat your ass Toshio. It's very funny that you are actually stupid enough to say who you are. I'll be at your house later today. Be there.
-- Anonymous, August 15, 2003
-- Anonymous, August 15, 2003
Toshio, please, just get a life and accept that Hitokiri is going to saty exactly where he is, will you? Geez, flaming when you it's not true....you REALLY need to get a life. I really don't like it when people flame other people....
-- Anonymous, August 16, 2003
Don't waste your breath Kat. I kicked his ass. He won't be back. And I won't go anywhere for anyone.
-- Anonymous, August 16, 2003