Has anyone else seen the music video where Spike and Vash fight?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

the video is so kool that it makes me think they would both die..

-- Anonymous, August 14, 2003


YEP! YEP! I defenitely have that music video. One of the videos that I really like in Trigun. However, my own perspective of the movie would be that both had shown how they really care about each other (*i know it's quite of a weird viewpoint of the video but that's how i percieve it*) ^_^

-- Anonymous, August 14, 2003

I kknow exactly what your saying but its hard to put in words so you have to watch the video a couple of times to understand that they couldnt hurt eachother cause they will eventually need to rely on eachother in some way thats how i saw it anyway.

-- Anonymous, August 14, 2003

Where can I find this music video?

-- Anonymous, August 21, 2003

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