Bit torrent? and # of Inuyasha episodes? : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

I have two questions. My first one has to deal with bit torrent. I keep hearing about it but have no clue what it is. So a nice long description would be cool. And my second question has to deal with the inuyasha episodes on cartoon network. How many have they actually shown? (and how many are there) Thank you for your time.

-- Anonymous, August 13, 2003


go to this site: and learn it from there. afterwards, install bitorrent then work it from there. eventually you'll be downloading non-stop of animes and mangas much faster than kazaa, which seems to be getting slower where some people are already complaining.

after installing and getting bitorrent, first bitorrent site that i would suggest for you to visit right away is at: well then, HAVE FUN! ^_^

-- Anonymous, August 13, 2003

CN has aired 36 episodes so far. There are a total of 119 fansubbed, and it's airing on Japanese TV at about 125.

-- Anonymous, August 13, 2003

i have all episodes from 1-119 plus 2 movies (The love that transcend times, castle beyond the looking glasses in 4 dvd+r and 4 cds) in divx format. if you want it, email me. of cos it will cost you a little $, consider if you do not want to take time to download all those episodes on kazaa. It's must cheaper than the dvd in ebay(over $100) mine is only $20 to cover the dvds and cds plus shipping and handling cost (i do not try to make money, but to help spread the anime to everyone who doesn't want to pay alot money or have a low speed internet that want to see the series), the quality is better than vcd and a little less than dvd(English Fansub) 48 states only

-- Anonymous, August 14, 2003

Shut up, Dung.

Nobody is buying something that the creator intended to be free.

-- Anonymous, August 14, 2003

i have ep 1-123 and movie 1 and 2 dvd rip's e-mail for get it

-- Anonymous, September 10, 2003

I can just d/l the whole series off irc if I wanted to. There's no need of your 'kind' offer.

-- Anonymous, September 10, 2003

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