Is anyone here? : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

sorry I am really could someone post something?please? anything I'd appreciate it thanks^__^ I know thats for chat rooms but oh well_^'

-- Anonymous, August 11, 2003



-- Anonymous, August 11, 2003

baloni? or pastrami? nomore food...anime or manga?

-- Anonymous, August 11, 2003


-- Anonymous, August 11, 2003

I'll never figure out how someone can be bored on internet... I mean, there's a couple billion sites out there, don't tell me you browsed them all (hence IRC and messengers)...

And you could always go out... it's summer for god sakes!

-- Anonymous, August 11, 2003

Psh mass is no fun

-- Anonymous, August 12, 2003

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