gundam seed licensed by bandai (surprise surprise) : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

gee...i didn't see that coming. No, some company like pioneer or adv would release this series. I guess no more bt for GS n e more and only 9 eps. left

-- Anonymous, August 09, 2003


ack... maybe they'll finish it? ^_^; *sigh*

-- Anonymous, August 09, 2003

where did you hear that?

-- Anonymous, August 09, 2003

you can check it out in the forums at

-- Anonymous, August 09, 2003

i'm not a fan of gundam seed but i think it will be continued, if not by the usual fansub groups, then by others. look at DN Angel for eg.

-- Anonymous, August 09, 2003

yea thats tru...itll just be harder to get

-- Anonymous, August 09, 2003

Yep, announced at Otakon today.

-- Anonymous, August 09, 2003

Who cares?

Just spend 20-50 dollars on the full HK DVD set. The subs are usually just as good as a fansubber's.

-- Anonymous, August 10, 2003

usually when the series is liscenced, a game usually follows. i hope a decent gundam game is brought out for this series, and hopefully on gamecube aswell

-- Anonymous, August 10, 2003

They already have a PS2 game out for it. Don't know how good it is though, since its Japan only right now.

-- Anonymous, August 14, 2003

The game makes full use of the Gundam Seed license (i.e. voice talent and pretty 3D robots), but the game is too straightforward. Walk/fly a bit, shoot/hack at things, get a cutscene. It sticks closely to the GS story though. Not really worth it imo~

-- Anonymous, August 14, 2003

The fansubs wont continue to release shows because Bandai personally contacted each fansub and asked them to discontinue subbing and distributing new and already accessable episodes. And Bandai licensing Gundam Seed isn't suprising because they are most contributed with bringing the gundam series to America. i.e.- Gundam Wing

-- Anonymous, August 15, 2003

there's one group which is not going to give a damn to bandai. they still hav the gundam seed torrents now...

-- Anonymous, August 15, 2003

I thought the groups would continue as well, seeing as how large the fan base has become, even among those who are not Gundam fans, this is one hell of a series. But to demand that groups stop subbing when they have been working on it for the better part of a year is, I think, ludacrious. Obviously they cant be happy with the large amount of money they will make when the series does land in Summer of 2K4, damn Bandai, I would rather not wait a year and a half to see how this series is going to end. I had thought groups would continue as I found episode 45 rather easily, but it seems there is nothing doing for 46 anywhere thus far.

-- Anonymous, August 26, 2003

To further add to that point, this series will be done before the end of the year, thus what I think would be appropriate is Bandai can ask that the groups take them down perhaps at the end of November, this being an estimated 7-9 months prior to the series debut on American television. I cite for this the case with Inu Yasha. Even as I speak FgF is translating the second movie and releasing more and more episodes, they are more then 100 episodes ahead of Viz's dub, which most agree doesnt do the series enough justice. Yet Viz is allowing all groups to continue subbing, and the same case with Divergence Eve and DN Angel, both have been licensed and will be release later on DVD for the American audience. I just dont see how the situation with Gundam Seed is any different, the only possible conclusion one can make is that rather then bringing it here simply for love of the genre it is all for money and with that mindset, the same as DiC had for Sailor Moon, the series will suck and the American audience will not understand the story nearly as well as is needed to really enjoy it.

My Two Cents and Moe -_-

-- Anonymous, August 26, 2003

I guess what it comes down to is that Bandai America are just a bunch of money grubbers at heart. I really thought the Anime Community (including big companies) would be nice and kind about these things, but i guess when money's involved you find the truth out don't you?

Anyways, i'm majorly dissapointed in the desicion . . . King Bob out

-- Anonymous, September 02, 2003

Viz didn't tell fgf and a-kraze to stop subbing IY because only the first 60 eps was licensed.

-- Anonymous, September 02, 2003

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