Where to get Cowboy Bebop OST

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

Does anyone know where I can find the Cowboy Bebop 4CD OST outside of EBay, because I'm not 18 and you need to be to get a EBay account.

-- Anonymous, August 08, 2003



-- Anonymous, August 08, 2003

Oddly enough, they seem to be available through Netflix. So, if you sign up for the one month free membership you can get the first three DVDs, and then get the last three. Of course, if you don';t like Netflix than you have to cancel.

It may not help you since you need a charge card to get Netflix, but if you know someone who already has it, or if you ahve a family membership, then it is a good way to get to see all of them. They don't have a very comprehensive selection of Anime, but for some reason they do seem to ahve Bebop (perhaps because of the movie).

-- Anonymous, August 10, 2003

Amazon.ca has OST. Much of it is also available as MP3 downloads from various places, such as http://fredpop.eurower.net/php/dnf/forum.php?f=1. Of course, it helps greatly if you can read French (which I, sadly, cannot).

-- Anonymous, August 10, 2003

...I burned the first 4 OSTs off of FredPop, my brother got ahold of them and now they skip...FREDPOP is gone??? it wont load anymore...did they take it down...or is it just temporary

-- Anonymous, September 03, 2003

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