Interactive Public art pieces : LUSENET : Public Art : One Thread

hi, I am a communication design major student in korea, and i am on my reserach about public art pieces that are interactive. it would be much appreciated if you can name or help me to find public art pieces or artist who's doing interactive work??? Thank you for your attention and hope to hear from you soon.

-- Alice Lee (, August 08, 2003


i found it from internet for asking about helping me about interactive art at public

-- jiso park (, August 18, 2003.

Dear Alice Lee, I wrote my thesis in Urban Planning about interactive projects in public space. On my homepage you can find a lot examples in my collection: Best, Mirjam

-- Mirjam Struppek (, October 12, 2003.

Miroslaw Rogala: PHD Thesis on Interactive Public Art (University of Wales/ CAiiA)

-- (, June 25, 2004.

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