Hiking in December 2003

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MCK Virtual Clubhouse--Climbing : One Thread

I have been trying to e-mail your club to various addresses but all come back or have not responded. Please advise ----- Original Message ----- From: M A McLoughlin To: mckenya@iname.com Sent: 11 July 2003 12:46 Subject: Fw: HIKING ON MT KENYA


HIKING ON MT KENYA- 14/12/03 TO 22/12/03

Dear Sirs

I am a member of the Johannesburg Hiking Club and will be going to London for Christmas. I write to enquire whether there are any hiking trips planned over the above period, alternatively, any members of your club who may be interested in doing such a trip over the said period that I may join. I plan to leave Johannesburg on the 12th December and leave for London on the 23rd December 2003. I would appreciate your posting my enquiry to members of your club who may be interested on a private arrangement if nothing is planned by your club itself.

I look forward to hearing from you


Mike McLoughlin

-- Michael McLoughlin (lawmac@cybertrade.co.za), August 07, 2003

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