public art project - help me create a mosaic mural at a : LUSENET : Public Art : One Thread |
I have been asked to do a public art project at a high school in Perth. I have been asked to complete a mosaic mural and have very little expertise in this area as I majored in painting and photography throughout my honours degree in fine Art at Curtin University. Is there anyone out there who has some expertise in mosaic murals and could tell me where or how to start ? Any tips on getting the materials, pricing the materials, the process of creating a mosaic, difficulties I may face etc. etc. - any information from anyone who has had experience with such a thing would be very much appreciated. Please respond -anyone !
-- Roland Kopcsandy (, August 07, 2003
I have tips for you if you stil need them.Oscar
-- oscar alvarado (, November 18, 2004.