Where can i find japanese Yu-Gi-Oh episodes, on a website please.greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
Same as the title. I'm fed up with kazaa, winmix, and all the other p2p programs. I might consider mIRC if i knew where to get them. But i'd really apperiate a site with japanese yu-gi-oh episode. I am just fed up with the dub. They censor everything. Deaths are covered up with the stupid "Shadow Relem", malik's voice is simply awful, theres no bakura licking the eye, and everythings messed up. I'm also..wondering if there is anywhere to buy a import online, or a vcd or something.I'm also looking for websites with the manga. ^^"
-- Anonymous, August 05, 2003
The best I can offer you is a site where you can buy the DVDs in seasons in Japanese w/ subs. E-mail me if you want the link. Oh, and if you find any websites that you can download Jap eps from, please let me know! ^_^ I haven't gotten about to purchasing the DVDs 'cause they're kind of expensive, and I wanted to get it all at once. You can get each season individually, or a bundle pack w/ season 1-3 and the movie^_^ They also have the 4th season available.
-- Anonymous, August 06, 2003