How do I convert 320x240 MPEG video to PAL (320x288)? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Is there any way to convert a 320x240 MPEG-1 movie into the PAL format so I can make a video CD? Thanks.
-- Gary Bryan (, August 04, 2003
You can use TMPGenc ( to do this. There are guides to using TMPGenc at Use your 320x240 video as input and select VCD PAL as the output.
-- Root (root@yahoo.moc), August 04, 2003.
Pls take note that 320x240 has much lower video resolution as compare to the normal PAL (320x288), after converted and play on your VCD player, the picture will be very blur and poor resolution.So, a small video file like 320x240 only good in playing on PC and not VCD player.
-- SYC (, August 09, 2003.