Change the World? : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

I've been watching Inuyasha a lot lately, and I'm puzzeled with the Change the World (beginning theme). Why do they say the beginning lyric in english. Just wondering, so a nice response would be nice.


-- Anonymous, August 03, 2003


most asian songs start with english or another foreign language to try to seperate it from other songs start with their native language and since english is the "universal" language they tend to choose it... or its because everyone in asia has been brainwashed to like america :D

-- Anonymous, August 04, 2003

i think that they use other lenguage (english) when they want to give it a special meaning, or to make it to be more significative or important. Just by being in english the word or phrase stand out comparing the rest of the lyrics (that is in japanese). and, of course, japanese maybe love to mix foreign lenguages with their own (just in anime and manga i thing itīs oftenly used). if you want a precise answer, just ask to the one that wrote the song! human mind is so complex to be understood so easily.

-- Anonymous, August 04, 2003

They don't have any particular reason, [as far as I can tell] they just like the sound of it. XD Really, though, a lot asian songs have a few english words in them SOMEWHERE, because they have all been brainwashed to want to be American.

-- Anonymous, August 04, 2003

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