Episode through aim...HELP!!!!greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
I've been searching kazaa for a long time and couldnt get Gravitation OVA 02. Then i tried to get it off Kazaa lite and only got the sound file. Can someone send me the episode thru aim? My s/n is playgirl6209. Thanks!!!!
-- Anonymous, August 02, 2003
If you wait about 3 weeks I could send it to you through AIM, or if you have/get a freeloader account, I can send it to that and you can d/l it yourself. I've added you to my buddylist since you may not look at this reply, but there's no guarantee I'll remember who you are by the time you come online^_^;; So if you see this and still need Gravi OVA2, send me an e-mail, k?
-- Anonymous, August 05, 2003