greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

I just saw episode 26 which basically ends it(yea yea i know there's 30). It was probably the best anime ending ever. *a tear* Everybody needs to stop watching ghost and the shell crap and watch some of this.

-- Anonymous, July 31, 2003


Hi... I 've wondered about this anime. What's it about, and where can I get episodes. It looks really cool!

-- Anonymous, July 31, 2003

So did I. It was great.

-- Anonymous, July 31, 2003

I LOOOOOOVE it!!!!!!!

-- Anonymous, August 01, 2003

story is about a wolf, and paradise. you can dl the episodes using BT and Kazaa only 25 out on kazaa anyhow..

-- Anonymous, August 01, 2003

too slow on kazaa n e way i'll be putting 26 on it. who would of guessed Hige was so interesting? ~,^

-- Anonymous, August 02, 2003

i've only seen first episode. it's pretty good.

-- Anonymous, August 02, 2003

What is it about?

-- Anonymous, August 02, 2003

wolfs searching for eh....paradise.

-- Anonymous, August 02, 2003

Yes, I agree. *nod nod* ^_^ It's sort of teases those yaoi fans with some hintings. *happens to be one* ^^; *knows she has a crazy mind* Anyway, I LOVE that series. ^_^ *eyes get teary* I miss it.... It ended too soon.... ;_;

-- Anonymous, August 03, 2003

so when 27-30 will come out? will it ever come out? they only save Cheza on ep 26 but i wanna see 27-30 if they ever find paradise or not.

-- Anonymous, August 04, 2003

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