ame churches : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread

My neice will be going to school at Alabama State U. The family will be leaveing first week of August to visit for 2 weeks. Me and her mom want to find an AME church for her before we leave. Any recommendations? She's 18, and was involved in YPD, Usher Bd., Choir.

-- Anonymous, July 30, 2003


I am so thrilled that your niece will be attending one of the finest institutions of higher learning..."Bama State!" I am proud of my school and its rich history. There are numerous churches to choose from in the city of Montgomery. One fine choice would be St. John AME Church on Madison. Rev. Arnell is the pastor, and just so happens to be a candidate for Episcopal Honors! There is a website for the church, however at this moment I am unable to recall it. Mrs. Arnell also works at the school and would be a good person to know in dealing with registration and such. St. John has a growing ministry for young adults and numerous community programs. Additionally, St. John is visible within the community. There is also St.Paul AME Church. This is the congregation Sister Rosa Parks was part while living in Montgomery. This church was closer to campus; however, they have since moved to a newer location. Either church would provide for your niece's spiritual needs!

-- Anonymous, July 30, 2003

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