why do ya'll say kazza is slow

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

i don't understand i think kazza is very fast i downloaded 77 episodes of rourouni kenshin episodes in a day and a half it's very fast

-- Anonymous, July 30, 2003


K-lite used to be really fast for me, but I upgraded to the new version that blocks the RIAA and I get speeds about half of what I used to get.

-- Anonymous, July 30, 2003

same here i did that to

-- Anonymous, July 30, 2003

Where did you get that upgrade of main website?

-- Anonymous, July 30, 2003

The primary reason for slower speeds is because less people are using Kazaa because of RIAA's actions.

-- Anonymous, July 30, 2003

I always make sure I download files with a lot of people, so that's not the case for me.

-- Anonymous, July 30, 2003

it depends on who you are download from, and how fast your computer is. Also if the users you are getting the episodes from leaves, your disconnected... I can rarely find a user that I can get past 15 KBs a second from, and that's kinda fast... I have ADSL too. But yeah, it's not slow for me.. I CAN get things quickly, I got all of Kenshin within a week.

-- Anonymous, July 31, 2003

go to hell with you all and suck my dick.

-- Anonymous, July 31, 2003

Why the Fuck did you just say that!Were not talking about us going to hell.*VICE VERSA*.Hahahaha!

-- Anonymous, August 05, 2003

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