how many MB in a : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
thanxs so much ^-^¿
-- Anonymous, July 29, 2003
-- Anonymous, July 29, 2003
Don't lie Arthur. You're forgeting we're talking Microsoft here... and that means a thousand does not equal 1000 but 1024. Therefore... 1GB == 1024MB.(Didn't I see this topic before?)
-- Anonymous, July 29, 2003
Arthur wasn't necessarily lying. There are people who don't know that fact. Even if he did know, 1000mb is still an accepted approximation and widely used.
-- Anonymous, July 30, 2003
Ya know? I've often wondered that... I may have been a CS major (doing just fine in the programming area)... but math just isn't my thing. I think I've got it, now. Thanks for asking! :o)
-- Anonymous, July 30, 2003
uh oh... you failed to see the sarcasm in that... sorry arthur ^_^
-- Anonymous, July 30, 2003
ah ha, got it lol. The "Don't lie Arthur" was a bad start to the sarcasm, 'twas all. ^_^
-- Anonymous, July 30, 2003