where can i find the song liberi fatali??

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

does anyone know where i can find the mp3 fer liberi fatali?? ive been lookin but i cant find it, please du not suggest kazza cause im not allowd tu use dat no more, so can anyone help meh??

-- Anonymous, July 26, 2003


well duh, use imesh then, there's more then one download server. but your pretty much screwed by not having kazaa.

-- Anonymous, July 26, 2003

yah, instead of kazaa you can use grokster, morpheous, K lite, and etc...... They all use the same sharman network..... the only diffrence is the looks, but they al work the same.....

-- Anonymous, July 26, 2003

r u talking abt the final fantasy song?


-- Anonymous, July 27, 2003

yea from FF8, THANKS

-- Anonymous, July 27, 2003

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