I need help with Bitorrent!greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
Ok I just downloaded bitorrent, and when I opened it, it said that it was illegal or something and it didn't install. So then I downloaded the experimental one and that one installed but the only thing is after I installed it I went to download a torrent or whatever. From just say like animesuki.com and for some reason a pop up came up saying that the file was damaged......So then I went to a few other websites and the same thing happened...Does anyone know what I should do??????
-- Anonymous, July 24, 2003
reinstall BT again.
-- Anonymous, July 25, 2003
idon't have the answer to our question but i want to know where you download it
-- Anonymous, August 15, 2003
well i had the same problem...i went to the site anime-kraze.com and i cudnt get the scrapped princess dvd thing off from dbl clicking it in ma desktop so i went to the site itself and got it again, so basically everytime u continue u dl it, u need to go on the site!i have a problem too ma bitorrent always reboors ma computer automatically PLZ help out a anime fan latez email me mycrows@hotmail.com
-- Anonymous, November 05, 2003