people who put anything in ** get a life! : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
I'm a faggot who picks on girls. KICK MY SORRY ASS!!!!!!!!
-- Anonymous, July 22, 2003
*YAWN*oh man give it up*shrugs* i bet ur mom needs help with the laundry, or better yet go back to school, ur iq is killing this forum:D
-- Anonymous, July 22, 2003
u spelled "all" wrong...
-- Anonymous, July 22, 2003
come on. stop. what's your problem. do you just hate the world or something. my goodness, please go hassle some other forum.
-- Anonymous, July 22, 2003
i like ur thinking!
-- Anonymous, July 22, 2003
really what's your problem.i must know.why do you insist on playing this game. your never going to make anyone cry and pretty soon people will just stop posting and reading all this garbage that your saying. imean do you have a problom with girls or something.if so DEAL WITH IT. you said your a man right, so start acting like one. people are allowed to have their dreams, it is america isn't it. so please why don't you just stop and get a life.
-- Anonymous, July 22, 2003
Go Vanessa...^^
-- Anonymous, July 22, 2003
I'd respond, but you're nothing compared to egos I've shattered in the past.
-- Anonymous, July 22, 2003
to vanessa: agreed ^_^
-- Anonymous, July 23, 2003
thank you. :)
-- Anonymous, July 23, 2003
why don't you. your the one that's in our territory.
-- Anonymous, July 23, 2003
Ok Mr., you just pissed off the wrong moderator..ME!!! YOU are the WEakest Link! Good-bye!!^^
-- Anonymous, July 23, 2003
hey i think hes gone, yay!!!! the morons gone^__^
-- Anonymous, July 23, 2003
Hes a sexist or something...
-- Anonymous, July 23, 2003
i thinks so or maybe hes just insecure with his**** hahaha
-- Anonymous, August 11, 2003