Can some one tell me where to find the Onegai Twins Opening Song !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
Can some one tell me where to find the Onegai Twins Opening Song !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-- Anonymous, July 20, 2003
i've seen this question asked like 3 times in 2 days. r u the same person??? if nobody answer it means we do not know the answer, so DO NOT POST THE SAME QUESTION OVER AND OVER AGAIN!
-- Anonymous, July 20, 2003
No. not the same.
-- Anonymous, July 20, 2003
ops. sorry then.
-- Anonymous, July 20, 2003
i think someone mentioned that it's called Second Flight
-- Anonymous, July 20, 2003
It's called Second Flight and you won't be able to find it. Why, you say. Simple, the single isn't even out in Japan yet, so you can't find it anywhere right now.The single for Second Flight and Outro will be released on July 24, 2003, so wait a few days after that and look online. The full OST gets released on August 27, 2003.
-- Anonymous, July 20, 2003
Thanks for the info
-- Anonymous, July 20, 2003
I already seen the Single CD on the Onegai Twins Official homepage. Even when it started less a week ago, the Opening theme CDsingle itīs already on japanese market and it costs 1143 yens, so itīs possible to find somewhere the Opening theme.By the way, If someone have seen the ending, please let it knows. It calls "Asu he no namida" (or "ashita he no namida") or, maybe itīs under the name of "Tears to the future" or something like that.
-- Anonymous, July 20, 2003
You read a site you probably can't read. Here,it's nice and english.
Not released yet. Not until the 24th of july
-- Anonymous, July 21, 2003
Just to make sure you understand the release date and stop spouting crap you don't know. 249-5532073-4301911
See the 2003/07/24 near the cd case picture? That's the release date. Also, just to make sure we understand each other, I also posted directly to the Onegai Twins homepage, under the cd information. Much like I said, it confirms the release date. If you can't read Japanese, don't speak.
-- Anonymous, July 21, 2003
I guess I can read the site, īcause I have the compatibility for japanese and I know japanese.
-- Anonymous, July 25, 2003
in case u guys r still looking for it...
-- Anonymous, July 25, 2003
err anyone have the ED theme around for me to download? err the answer above helped me alot thx ^_^
-- Anonymous, July 27, 2003
Asu e no Namida... have it on kazaa try to get there(sorry to bad english)
-- Anonymous, August 05, 2003
Heres both Onegai Twins OST OP and ED! Enjoy! :DOnegai Twins OP mp3 link: Kotoko_-_Second_Flight.mp3
Onegai Twins ED mp3 link:
-- Anonymous, August 06, 2003
Why do you listen to what others say? Do you really think that their answers speak the truth? They don't care about your needs. Here is the site at which I speak of: Not only will you find the Opening theme but also the ending theme of Onegai Twins here as well.
-- Anonymous, August 17, 2003
if someone had dl the Onegai Twins op&ed, please send it to me by icq. my icq# 167806146 ** give me the site also. please!! i want it so badly
-- Anonymous, August 20, 2003
None of those previous links work.
-- Anonymous, August 20, 2003
you're way too must buy the CD if nobody buys CDs then nobody will make them too. I bought my CD just to be sure that I have it.
-- Anonymous, August 20, 2003
-- Anonymous, August 21, 2003
thanx guys, all the links work
-- Anonymous, September 16, 2003