english?????? : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
I heard somewhere that RightStuf is licensing Gravitation(dubbed) for release in the U.S.!!! Can someone fill me in? I really love Gravitation and I think it would be great to hear the characters in english... AHHHH *bounces off the ceiling*
-- Anonymous, July 19, 2003
I know for sure that Rightstuf licensed Gravi anime for US release. I *assume* that they'll be dubbing it and translating it before they release it. It's been licensed for a long time (maybe a month or 2?) so I'm hoping that they'll finish soon. I love Gravi too, but I'm a bit frightened to hear it in English... I hope they don't change the plot too much! Anyway, the graphic novels will be in stores August 5th or 7th or uh... something like that! Though I got the 6th book of Chobits and they had an ad for Gravi in the back that said "now in stores", but I still think it will start early August. Anyway, everyone support our anime companies so that we can get more cool releases like Gravi in the US!!! ^_^
-- Anonymous, July 20, 2003