what's better? English dubbed or english subbed Inu Yasha eps.

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I hate computers when they are broken, specially right now when mine is in the shop, I have to change everything to my older (weird, but its alot better) computer because my Motherboard and cables fried. I heard from some friends that people like subbed Inu Yasha eps better. is that true? I was going to capture them from Adult Swim when they brought it back, but if u like subbed, I'll forget about that idea and upload subbed. What do you think? like subbed or dubbed better? I'd like to hear it from the people instead. u know, just to make sure.


-- Anonymous, July 17, 2003


I started out watching the dub. I thought it was pretty good but creeping along way too slow on CN, so I got a hold of the first 87 episodes. They were subbed not dubbed. I didn't like the idea of having to read the eps but I figured I could do it for Inuyasha. Anyway by the time I finished all 87 of the eps. the subbing wasn't bothering me at all. In fact I didn't even realize I was reading most of the time. Then I decided to watch some of the dubbed eps that I had missed on CN. It was terrible. The voice actors acting was so dry. There was no emition or effort put into it at all. After that I couldn't watch the dubbed Inuyasha that CN puts on anymore.

So I would say subbed Inuyasha is way better than dubbed. ^_^

-- Anonymous, July 17, 2003

I too started out watching the dub episodes of inuyasha. When they stopped showing new episodes in march, i couldn't wait. So i started d/ling the subs. Subtitles are fairly easy to read, i can't see why people complain about them. Except if the subitles are poorly done, like for example they decide to have the subtitles color to be blue or the font is really strange or hard to read in hard action. They're almost exactly the same, except there are some small cuts on adult swim. The other day i was watching cartoon network saturday night and they had a commercial for inuyasha. Me, having not seen inuyasha dubbed since march and have downloaded 114 episodes was shocked at the voices. Inuyasha's voice was to dry, kagome's too squeaky, and kaede with her horrible old english. Also its QUITE a delight to hear kagome say, "Osuwari, Osuwari, OSUWARI!" (jap ver of sit) or hear her say "Baka, Inuyasha". She says it so well. ^^ Well they're both pretty good, but the jap voice cast is done better. Don't get me wrong, i'm going to watch the new dubbed inuyasha episodes august 25th too.

-- Anonymous, July 17, 2003

Subbed all the way! I first started watching Inuyasha subbed (amazing) just b/c I saw the ad for the playstation game and dl from kazza and got hooked. Later I heard about it on CN and tuned in, man was it horrid! DUBBED SUCKS! ahhhh

-- Anonymous, July 17, 2003

Subbed is the best.. Its cool to be able to pick up on some of the japiness lang.. i can spell.... but yeah.. not only that.. you dont lose out on the effect of the original voices.. cause of alot of english dub voices are totally crappy..

-- Anonymous, July 17, 2003

I have to say subbed. Why? I've never heard/watched the english version, but even if I had I would still probably say that the subbed episodes are a lot better. In fact, I haven't watched dubbed anime in a long time, since I don't have cable. so no cartoon network ect. I don't even get WB anymore. Yes, I know it's sad.>,<

-- Anonymous, July 17, 2003

k, so if u people don't want me to get the dubbed, I'll upload the subbed. peace.

-- Anonymous, July 17, 2003

inuyasha dubbed is wayyy better than having to read the bottom of the screen and sometimes the the subtitles would be too tiny and some would submerge to the bottom of the screen

dubbed is better

-- Anonymous, July 30, 2003

I'm surprised everyone is picking subbed over dubbed. I think the English version is AWESOME! The Japanese version is good too, but I'd much rather watch it in English, because for one, whenever something funny happens on one of the Japanese episodes, I don't get into it as much because it's in a different language. I think they put perfect emotion into the characters. :\ I've also gotten used to the English version anyway, so I'd definitely go for dubbed. ^_~

-- Anonymous, August 01, 2003

I don't understand why they even put a dubbed version I hate it their vioces are terrible. I love subbed but of course I know some Japanese so. I hate Inuyasha voice in dubbed uhhhh such a bad actor and they say the names wrong. It's subbed for me

-- Anonymous, August 03, 2003

Miroku's English dub voice is enough for me to choose subs over dubs.

And the dumbass who thought it would be a great idea to give Kaede lines that include the words "Ye" and "Thou" should be shot. It's in feudal Japan you idiots, not Europe...

-- Anonymous, August 03, 2003

I think Inuyasha is good Dubbed. Just because whenever I have to read subtitles it keepes me distracted from the Show. But the english actors still suck.

-- Anonymous, August 03, 2003

i personally think subbed IY is so much better than the english dubbed ones..it just premier 2day in Canada on YTV..and have watching 116 eps of IT..it was very disappointing, just watching the 1st 10 mins of it, i got sick of it . The voices don't go w/ the characters at all. From now I think i'll stick to subtitled anime.

-- Anonymous, September 05, 2003

Zakary Jones, how is the dub good, but it still sucks? What are you trying to say? While anyway, someone mention that in the Inuyasha dub, they don't pronounce their names correctly... the same goes for Japanese words used in the English language (samurai, karaoke, etc...) but the Japanese do the same thing with English words (with one of their writing systems known as "katakana"...) My name is Shawn and in katakana, it's been revealed to "Shoon". My name is not "Shoon". "Lynn" becomes "Rin", "vice" become "baisu", and the letter "X" is pronounced as "etsukusu". How the hell does "X" become "etsukusu"?! Don't make it seem like English speakers are the only ones that don't pronounced foreign words correctly.

-- Anonymous, September 06, 2003

This forum is retarded!!!!!!!!!

-- Anonymous, September 13, 2003

what is wrong with you guys!?!? I have 2 say dubbed all the way. Don't get me wrong i own alot of subbed DVDs, but i hate how high pitched InuYasha's voice is and on the subs they alway do improper speach like, u son of bitches instead of son of a bitch.

-- Anonymous, September 27, 2003

Anyone know where to get the full dubbed series??? I can't find it anywhere....thanks;)

-- Anonymous, September 30, 2003

I think all of you are saying you like the sub because it makes you look like a hardcore anime fan. People think those who like dubs aren't read anime fans or something like that.

I perfer the dub a little bit more over the sub. I think everyone's voice in English fits them except for Kagome. She does sound too squeaky. The sub is also very well done, but I think Sessshomaru's voice in Japanese is terrible.

-- Anonymous, October 31, 2003

Yeah you people need to chill out. The dubbed version of IY is fine. My only pet peeve is that the English version censored out all the swearing thus making it more crapper.

-- Anonymous, November 01, 2003

I personally like dubbed, and have gotten used to the voices. I've DL'd and watched some subbed, and they're good. I DL'd the Inuyasha movies and watched them subbed, and were great, but I still like the dubbed better overall. With subbed, you have to watch an episode (movie) at least twice or more, which isn't necessarily bad, to be able to 'see' the whole thing cause lot of your attention is at the bottom of the screen reading. But each to their own. Both are good cause its Inuyasha. Nuff said

-- Anonymous, November 11, 2003

I wanted to send email but I don't know. As you can tell from my english I'm japanese so I japanese better. One guy was talking bout how we don't prononce name good either.DUUUUH I'm so bad at english and some english are bad japanese,but I understand japanese so that what I watch. I'm sending from my friend's email just to know.

-- Anonymous, November 14, 2003

Alright look, some people DON'T like subbed because they don't like to read. Personally, I'd prefer dubbed because I don't like to read and it's the only thing you're going to find in vocal english so settle for it. I know a lot of people will porbably think I'm stupid to think that dubbed is better, but I simply don't care that it sometimes causes plotholes and doesn't say what they originally did. Keep in mind that while Inu-Yasha does swear a bit in the english dub, there was a lot more in the japenese and some people on the west side of the world are offended by cursive language. Although I must say there are quite a few advantages to the original versions. Simply, it just doesn't really matter which you prefer, it's the same show.

-- Anonymous, November 18, 2003

Hmz.. I'm not an American or Japanese but I prefer Subbed. Although I liked Dragonball Z in dubbed more than in subbed. Maybe itz becuz itz refreshed it all like sounds, voice (voice of Vegeta and picolo is awesome!)and music on the background wich it rocks (Japanese musicbackground is too happy). But thatz only for Dragonball Z. I only ve seen subbed InuYasha, so I dont know how the dubbed like. I'm a sub-person cuz here in Holland, for the mosts, is only subtitled when itz in english or other languange is spoken (LOL). Anyway I think Japanese Voice Actors are the best in voice acting. But thatz my opinion. :P

-- Anonymous, November 18, 2003

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