udder problems-no milk in one side-blood in the othergreenspun.com : LUSENET : Dairygoats : One Thread |
Hi all, We are new to goats and here's the scene. Our alpine/nubian mix had one super little female about a month ago. The doe has lopsided udders, with one side being easy to milk (we get 2-3 cups per day, with some blood) and the other side is super small and gives no milk. The kid hangs out with the mother, and we milk twice a day. Where should we start? Thanks heaps to all, Randy
-- Randy Swaty (rswaty@tnc.org), July 17, 2003
Is the udder hard, hot, dark? How much blood is in the milk? Is the milk discolored, smell? I am not sure what to tell you. It could be mastites or damaged udder or nothing.
-- bergy (bbergbower@hotmail.com), July 20, 2003.
This board has moved to homesteadingtoday.com click on the Dairy Goat Forum....see you there!Vicki McGaugh Lonesome Doe Nubians
-- Vicki McGaugh TX Nubians (vickilonesomedoe@hotmail.com), July 23, 2003.