Wolf's rain 24

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When does it come out \

-- Anonymous, July 15, 2003


WR 24 in raw version is out on emule!!! it's 'a bit' harder to understand but I couldn't wait any more ^^' now I'm waiting for the subbed release. anyways if you want WR 24 (raw), search on emule! or wait 3-4 days for the subbed release :-)

-- Anonymous, July 15, 2003

wolfs rain was licensed... you can only get it on underground websites or IRC...

probably IRC

-- Anonymous, July 15, 2003

that's not entirely right, as a subbed version of the 23th episode came out on bittorrent and other p2p prog, after the license... I'm so dying to know the end that I keep d/ling them, but I'm waiting for the dvds too :-)))

-- Anonymous, July 16, 2003

I plan on buying a dvd as soon as/if it is released. I'm still downloading them as they come out because I don't want to wait and I've seen things like this become licensed then something 'comes up' or whatever and you NEVER get to see it all. So if it comes out I'll be putting down the money, but till then thank the gods for the internet and underground sources!

-- Anonymous, July 20, 2003

can someone pls tell me where to get Wolf's rain EP 24 using bittorent. I'm so addicted that i couldn't wait to see it. Any sites recommended. Thx

-- Anonymous, July 21, 2003

i want to see it too :( ... but where in the net?

-- Anonymous, July 25, 2003

I've d/l ep. 24-26 from bittorrent links. But only have the link for the last episode. It's:

http://torrents.nexornet.com/torrents/[AJ]Wolf's_Rain_-_26[Final] [AC0F8731]-avi.torrent

Hehe, hope that'll help you.

-- Anonymous, August 01, 2003

Umm... sorry if this seems ignorant, but does anyone have a bit torrent link for earlier episodes? I've never seen an episode but have been trying to unsucsesfully for quite a while.

-- Anonymous, September 02, 2003

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