Where can I download Anime MP3s?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

I know that I can get MP3s on KaZaA and stuff but I'd rather download them from a web site.

Any site out there with a lot of MP3s that has Naruto, Wolf's Rain and Furi Kuri (FLCL) MP3s?

-- Anonymous, July 14, 2003


for FLCL just type "the pillows" in kazaa

I have them all :P

and for naruto opening, put Haruka Hanata

I get them all from Imesh... sometimes from IRC.

you can get the whole disk in a zip on IRC ^^

-- Anonymous, July 14, 2003









-- Anonymous, July 14, 2003

All those links there don't work. They take you to a site that lists MP3s and MIDIS, but none of them work. Well, if they do, than it will only be the MIDIs that work. I've been searching for a while for FLCL MP3s but I can't find any anywhere. I hate to say it, but the only options people like us have are to use Kazaa or Morpheus, or, dare I say it, BUY THE ALBUM!!!

-- Anonymous, August 30, 2003


this site is cool has music to download

-- Anonymous, September 20, 2003

Uhh...Well, if you're still looking, I found a few. Five, to be exact...

http://www.animeaddiction.net/anime/flcl/mp3/mp3s.shtml Most of them ^ And for My favorite, "I think I can" (o_O) http://www.bioinfo.sarang.new/technote/print.cgi?soundbox=17& board=yongsmusic&count=1047052283&d=&player=3 o_O It's long, and only has the one song. But I seached hard for it =/

-- Anonymous, September 26, 2003

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