DBZ Saga downloads! Are there any out there?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
I want to download the DBZ Sagas by saga. For example: I want to download the andriod saga in one download. Probabley in a .ZIP or RAR format. I really want them to be in a pack because it's hard to find all the episodes at once. Also, Please no Kazaa, Direct Connect, MIRC or other P2P networks. I run really slow. Bit Torrent is okay though
-- Anonymous, July 13, 2003
Um, assuming the episodes were decent quality say 150 MB and i don't know how many episodes are in one saga but lets say 30. Thats 4.5 Gigabyte. Now to find someone that would put a 4.5 gigabyte download on their site is one rich bastard or a stupid retard. Now if it was on BT and there were actual people and there were seeds all the time, you probably will still me looking at taking a least a weeks to finish the download.
-- Anonymous, July 13, 2003
this site use to have all the dragonballz episdoes but not anymore www.nldragonball.com
-- Anonymous, July 13, 2003
This site will be putting on the Sagas. http://www.haunted- dbz.net/eng/index.php. Just wait for it. It's a great site.
-- Anonymous, July 18, 2003