When are financial statements for the connectional church made available to the general membership

greenspun.com : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread

Are financial statements available for review by the general membership of the AMEC. If so how is this information made available and what is the frequency? .

-- Anonymous, July 12, 2003


The genius of Methodist Polity provides a forum to disseminate information at all levels...local, conference, connectional. The Annual Conference is a time when the churches of the entire conference provide an accounting of funds raised and spent. Members may learn and receive information concerning the Episcopal District during the Mid-year meeting or the Planning meeting, presided over by the appointed Bishop. The Genernal Conference is a time of excitment and action. The General Conference convenes every 4 years, the next being 2004 in Indianapolis. It is at this time that the connectional budget of the AME Church is discussed and voted upon by the delegates from the various Episcopal Districts and Departments. In the interim of the General Conference, members are welcome to attend the General Board of the AME Church. The General Board is given the task of administering the budget properly during the course of the 4 year budget approved by the General Conference. There are representatives from each Episcopal District who are able to provide information and answer questions members may have concerning finances and other church issues. Reports are given out to those present at the General Board. Again, all members are welcome to attend and sit in on the general sessions and get the news first hand. I would encourage you to attend the next session, or the next Convo to be held December 4- 7,2003 in Birmingham. More precise information may be found by visiting the website www.ame-church.com.

-- Anonymous, July 12, 2003

Thank you for your timely and informative response. If you don't know just ask.

-- Anonymous, July 12, 2003

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