Do you guys know a site that sells pirated Anime? : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
Since I can't download Anime cause I don't have broadband yet and always download at friends I wanted to buy some stuff, I know about Morbid Backups but I don't think that guy has the latest fansubs.There was another site, but I lost the link a few months ago, please help me find a good place to order pirated anime from.
-- Anonymous, July 12, 2003
O.K. I totally don't believe in buying pirated anime anymore, but I know how you feel since I was in the same situation as you about 8 months ago, so here's a site with a trust worthy guy running it. Also check out ebay you can get some great prices there. Another one is Hope this helps you out.
-- Anonymous, July 12, 2003