Weiss Kreuz Gluhen #3 & Gunparade Mard #11greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
Can someone please tell me where I can get Weiss Kreuz Gluhen ep. #3 and Gunparade March ep #11. I am only missing these episodes to complete the full series of each. I know that they have been licensed and trust me I will be buying them on DVD when they come out but I feel it's such a waste to have the whole series minus one ep. MANY MANY THANKS!!~Animefanzgirl~
-- Anonymous, July 10, 2003
Well..I have the WK ep avilable on streamload...or try kazaa..email w/ you sn if you want the WK ep...also you can try otakusavior.com as well...
-- Anonymous, July 12, 2003