Inuyasha 115 : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

CAn someone tell me what happened in that epsiode thankx

-- Anonymous, July 10, 2003


ive never seen it (i have eps 1-114)ha ha ha

-- Anonymous, July 10, 2003

just go to and look for inuyasha. they hab inuyash 115 and 116 in bittorrent files.^^

-- Anonymous, July 10, 2003

nevermind. dat site is not working.^^;;;

-- Anonymous, July 10, 2003

In the beginning scene is Kikyou and Bankotsu talking to each other and they almost fight but didn't. They were talking about all the dead people have the same fate or something like that. Sesshoumaru, rin and that frog looking thing meet with Jakotsu (the gay guy with the snakelike sword and likes Inuyasha). They fight and rin and the frog guy run away to a bridge and at the end of it is Suikotsu (the 2 personality doctor person). Jaken (frog guy name, finally remember) then tries to protect Rin by using the fire from that stick he got but he also set the bridge on fire and then all 3 of them fell to the bottom. Suikotsu supposedly turned back in the good doctor guy and helped Rin, then they went back to the village where the orphens are. Sesshoumaru then went after Rin by jumping down the cliff also. When Suikotsu got to the orphen house, people came and ask him to go away cuz they say the shinintai attacked the village cuz of him. Suikotsu never turned back into the good doctor, he kept the face of the doctor but his personality is the evil one. So he killed all the men that told him to go away. It seems that the barrier doesn't affect him anymore in changing his personality. Then he tries to kill the orphen but he cannot move cuz i guess the doctor still is inside him and not letting him kill the children. The End

-- Anonymous, July 10, 2003

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