Aaaah Shucks!!! : LUSENET : Beyond the Sidewalks : One Thread

Both the conjoined twins died! Took me by surprise for some reason I thought they would be okay? What a sad thing that is!! ......kirk

-- Anonymous, July 08, 2003


From what the news said, it would have been sadder if only one had survived. They were both willing to sacrifice for the other, neither however wanted to live on alone. After a life not of their choice, they both had the future of their choosing.

-- Anonymous, July 09, 2003

Yeah, this story sounded like it would have a happy ending . . . that was quite a team of doctors those twins had, a real international effort attempting to fix up two lives. They had a pretty good idea that the vein was going to be a problem - it was just too much to surmount.

I guess we get a little jaded - happy endings in cases like this (the Guatemalan twins are another recent example) happen quite often. Just goes to show . . . its always something.

-- Anonymous, July 09, 2003

From what I read, it seems that if they had been able to do the operation as infants, they would have had a better chance. They didn't count on some of the problems they encountered like thicker skulls and the brains mixing together.

They did put them in separate coffins though.

-- Anonymous, July 09, 2003

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