not this again : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

why does cartoon network keep doing this to me? they didn't show rurouni kenshin today. what the hell is going on here?

-- Anonymous, July 07, 2003


the next episode is on july 12(this saturday)at 9:30 pm. don't know why they deciced to do that but it's the next episode after the one from friday.

-- Anonymous, July 07, 2003

Craptoon Network just plain SUCKS!!!!!!><

-- Anonymous, July 08, 2003

LOL Garret. Anyways, damn. I haven't watched any anime on TV for the last two weeks because of my after noon class. Now that its over they take kenshin off? They must have planned this. lol

-- Anonymous, July 08, 2003

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