What happened to http://asukaanime.net? Does anyone know?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

What happened to http://asukaanime.net. Are they at a new address or are they gone for good?

-- Anonymous, June 30, 2003


They closed a while ago.

-- Anonymous, June 30, 2003

i dunno abt the rest but i got this message:


It happened again! At the present moment the server is again offline because my current server provider apparently also got fed up with the DoS attacks on AnimeSuki which affected their network.

I'm not exactly sure what will happen now, it doesn't necessarily mean I'll lose my server again (but it very well could!), although it's extremely likely they will not allow me to host AnimeSuki on the server again (if they put it back online).

What will happen now? When will AnimeSuki be back? The answer is it's to early to tell.

Gerard Krijgsman (aka GHDpro) Maintainer, AnimeSuki.com


apparently some other users got transferred to other site. go n read the earlier posting: http://www.greenspun.com/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg.tcl?msg_id=00Az16

-- Anonymous, July 01, 2003

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