XJapan Albumsgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
Xjapan did the Intro music for X/1999The song is called X, and it rocked.
If anyone is a XJapan Fan, please let me know where to download XJapan Mp3s
-- Anonymous, June 28, 2003
Huge X Japan fan here, but I don't like that particular song. I got most of my mp3s from Kazaalite, but you can also try anime music channels like #animemp3s and #anime-game-ost on mirc-x for jpop. This site has some X Japan songs in Real Media to tide you over while you search: www.dkp.omfolding.com. I think that's the correct url, but i haven't been there in a while.
-- Anonymous, June 28, 2003
That site only has the live concert versions of few songs... Suprnova.org has some OST.
-- Anonymous, June 29, 2003
you can come to zhe address below .http://www.anime.diaspora.ru/ost/ost.shtml?ost=X%20Japan
-- Anonymous, August 13, 2003
Maybe I'm dumb and you are talking about the intro to the movie (which I've forgotten) but I thought the song X by X-Japan was only to the X^2 music video (the only movie song i recall from the movie was Forever Love, but it's been awhile since I've seen it, now I feel bad) but I do love X-Japan, I'm a terrible sucker for their exceedingly long english infused ballads.
-- Anonymous, August 14, 2003