Any programs to combine files? : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
I have a streamload account and downloading freeloader files is just so much faster. But I really need any program that can combine these split files (mostly .rm). If not, just any other kind of files. So can anyone please help me out.thanks (even if you just read this)!
-- Anonymous, June 27, 2003
For rm files try RMA. This program has such function but I do not know how it works (never used). For avi the best choice is VDub.
-- Anonymous, June 28, 2003
well... it's not really a good idea to join those files. You'd get lots of weird jumps in the middle. You see, as an encoder, we have to overlap the beginnings and ends a bit because sometimes it doesn't work so perfectly for the first second. So, you'd have things repeating in the middle of the ep and stuff... it's best just to try to find the original file that was split if you want the whole episode as one file. Or to download eps that have been split by winrar or something where you have to join them back together anyway, but then the problem with that is that they count as archived files, and streamload doesn't like those, so they often get deleted^_^;;
-- Anonymous, July 01, 2003
Ok thanks, I will definitely keep that in mind.
-- Anonymous, July 08, 2003