how do i make torrent files work??? : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread


how do i make torrent files work???

-- Anonymous, June 21, 2003


welll first of alll, do you have bittorrent installed ?, secound save the torrent file to your harddrive.(or just open it when it ask's if you want to download it that is the easiest way) open the torrent file and then the download should start if you have other problems you could ask a "torrent programmer" or someone whit good bittorrent knowledge

-- Anonymous, June 27, 2003

Your question is not clear!

Best references would be the mailing lists

You could also look at Brian Dessents FAQ which is quite comprehensive! hope this helps!

Enjoy the BT experience!


-- Anonymous, June 27, 2003

Moderation questions? read the FAQ