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How To Open Bit Torrent File Please
-- Anonymous, June 20, 2003
hrm... I'm not entirely sure what you mean, however if you have clicked on a BT link, and it does not start to DL the actual file you want, but the actual BT file (the DL would take MUCH less time than it normally would for a larger file), this is what you should do. Find where that file is located. Then, click that file, and it should start DLing the actual file that you want to DL.The second file that you DLed should be in some sort of multimedia format (.ogm .avi etc). Open as you would any other file of that format. :o) hope that helps!!!
-- Anonymous, June 20, 2003
and wher and how I find the second file?? (i've also probs with that^^``)`thanks for answer ^__^
-- Anonymous, June 22, 2003
you do have bit torrent installed, I assume? if not, for more info go here hope that helps
-- Anonymous, June 28, 2003