Depot - Fort White, Fla. : LUSENET : ACL and SAL Railroads Historical Society : One Thread

We are trying to help the Fort White Historical Society find information on the ex-ACL, ex-SF&W depot at Fort White, Fla. The group hopes to get grant funding to restore the building but needs all possible information on the building. They have a plat saying the station was built by SF&W in 1886 but little else. Photos, drawings, recollections, etc. would be useful. Thanks.

-- Larry Goolsby (, June 17, 2003


Sorry for the bad link. Here is the correct one. Do an "Advance Search" and then enter "Fort White Railroad". One photo of the depot.

-- Carey Stevens (, June 20, 2003.

There is one photo at The date on the photo is 1975.

-- Carey Stevens (, June 18, 2003.

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