Walnut Creek, California

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Are any of you, manga and anime lovers, from a little town called Walnut Creek?????????

-- Anonymous, June 15, 2003


I'm not... but for some odd reason, that name sounds familiar... why do you ask, though?

-- Anonymous, June 16, 2003

Well, I dunno why Walnut Creek sounds familiar to you if you don't live here 'cause it's a VERY small town. it's not that far from San Francisco. I'm asking 'cause i don't know a lot of people who like anime (i mean like really KNOW, not just a penpal)and plus i'm very bored so i was hoping to find someone who likes anime and lives in my town so we could talk.

-- Anonymous, June 16, 2003

AHh! I went up to Berkeley this past weekend for an orientation. On the way there from Oakland Intl. Airport, I got lost and ended up in Walnut Creek LoL.

-- Anonymous, June 18, 2003

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