This is the dumbest question but i really need to ask : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

every time i go to a Hub on Direct Connect ....It Kicks Me Out And Sometimes i have the reqment right.and another thing is were could i find out my Settings for Advance Networking (were would be the best place to find my Force Direct Connect?

-- Anonymous, June 15, 2003


I have two guesses about the kicking thing.

A.) You accidentally (or not) d/l some versoin of DC++, a hacked version of DC. A lot of hub scripts are written to reject these apps and boot the users.

B.) You have a firewall or are behind NAT and when you try to connect in normal mode the hub doesn't know how to handle you so it boots you. Go to preferences and change to passive mode.

I don't understand what you mean by your second question. Now, maybe I'm just being stupid, but if you could clarify the second question I'll try to help.

-- Anonymous, June 17, 2003

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