DBZ Movies

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

Anybody here know any websites where I can get all the Japanese/subtitled in english Movies of DBZ. Or any really good IRC channels where I can get them. No Kazza answers please.

-- Anonymous, June 15, 2003


iono where to find them on irc, but I have them all, i'll put them up on my fserv on mirc, my fserv can be accessed from #extum on irc.otaku.jp, from #fangirlfriday or #anime-infinity on mircx, and from #anime-madness or #anime-4ever on aniverse, my nicks OneWingedAngel, I'll have that stuff up in a couple of days(my bandwidth is suffering at the moment because of a torrent)

-- Anonymous, June 16, 2003

You can get some of the movies not all of them, in japanese, and every episode of DB DBZ and DBGT in japanese at www.dragonball.gr.

-- Anonymous, June 16, 2003

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