His and Her circumstances

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

Can somebody explain the ending??Why did they all of the sudden end with a guy realising that he loved this chick that bullyed him? FIrst off, what the heck is the point of the ep.#25 where Kano was being trick and such, that had no relation to the story. Then, what happens Arima?? Does he go insane, why don't they expain more about him? What about Miyazawa, Arima need to be with her so he won't go over to the dark side??


-- Anonymous, June 12, 2003


Thats not the actual ending. The story goes further in the manga series.

-- Anonymous, June 13, 2003

Read the manga it explains more in detail. I only have up to Volume 9 waiting for the others to be translated. It continiues on, the ending hasn't arrived yet. With Arima and Tonami you will see :P just have patience.

BTW anyone has the full volume 9 or further of Kareshi Kanojo no jijou (His or Her circumstances). I have been waiting for half a year for the translation. I would really appreciate it if someone could tell me the site or irc channel for it.

-- Anonymous, June 14, 2003

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