June 10, 2003 A.M.E. Herald starts online bible study. Please join us.

greenspun.com : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread

Hello everyone on Tuesday June 10th, the A.M.E. Herald will have an online Bible study chat. I will be leading the Bible study on Acts 2 vs.1-21. This is an exciting passage and I invite you to read it and join us. Have your Bibles nearby during the chat. I will be using the NIV translation. We will have have other online chats in the future on theology, economics, health and issues in the A.M.E. church. So please join us. For more info you can read about it on the A.M.E. Herald.


Chat time is 9.PM eastern standard time, 7 PM mountain time, 6 PM pacific time, 8 Pm central time.

Please adjust to your time zome. You will need to register, so do that EARLY so we can start on time. I will give a brief history of the book of acts and then have guided questions for discussion. We will also look at how this passage is relevant for christians today.

I look forward to hearing from you.

-- Anonymous, June 09, 2003


Thank you Rev. Rogers for informing us about the Bible study tonight. I encourage all to join in tonight. Time spent studying the word of God is time wisely spent. I encourage everybody to start praying right now that the Holy Spirit will just take over the Bible study tonight and lead us towards Jesus. I will see you all tonight!!!


-- Anonymous, June 10, 2003

Rev. Rogers, I have a time pulling up the herald web page. I don't know what I am doing wrong. I have been in the site a few times and rather enjoyed it. I would like to post some info on the 8th district (MS/LA) I was hoping you could do me a big favor and that is when ever you mention the site on this board you would link it so i could enter it. It seems to work better for me that way. I hope this won't inconvience you any if so I understand. Thanks

Rev. DD Phillips

-- Anonymous, June 11, 2003

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