I'm having trouble finding something

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

anyone know any mirc channels to get as, blue seed, and outlaw star? I can't find them

-- Anonymous, June 08, 2003


well, sorry, i don't know mirc channels (mirc takes too long imo- even with a good connection speed), but here's a bittorrent site for Outlaw Star: http://zx.mellbin.org/ (it's all the eps in those two files)

they're prolly going to change their list of DLs soon, so I suggest you get them asap. hope this helps!

-- Anonymous, June 09, 2003

Thanks, but i still have no idea wher to find angel sanctuary and blue seed, and also mirc is not actually all that bad for speed, i know a couple of fserves that i can get things at 200kbs, that's not bad speed! Well, If anyone knows where to get the others please tell me. Thanks!

-- Anonymous, June 09, 2003

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