COLOR : LUSENET : ACL and SAL Railroads Historical Society : One Thread

In 1964 what color was ACL HW coach #1076?

-- Joseph Oates (, June 04, 2003


I'm pretty sure all heavyweight coaches had been repainted into the Pullman green with yellow lettering scheme by 1964 (repainting began about 1958). However there were a number of heavyweight head-end cars still in purple in 1964, like RPOs and baggage-express cars. A handful of baggage-express cars (one was 1607) never got repainted. Some lasted in MofW service into the 1970s - of course the purple was VERY faded by then.

-- Larry Goolsby (, June 05, 2003.

Joe, I can't be positive but the 1076 came into Rocky Mount in Jan. 67 and it was reported as Pullman Green with yellow lettering. It was outshopped March 67 and was repainted in Pullman Green with yellow lettering. I hope this helps. Ron

-- Ron Dettmer (, June 05, 2003.

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